
July 29, 2004

Slow Children At Play 

I'm sitting on a balcony in my t-shirt, looking at the clouds floating by the mountains. Life is good. That's right, it's another document from your own resident Canmoron.

Jesse's parents came to visit for a few days last week, and we had a great time. Between the assortment of fine dining experiences and catch-up sessions, we managed to go for a hike in Grotto Canyon, which was beautiful, raft at Horseshoe Canyon, which was crazy, and Jess and her dad went for a bike ride up at Goat Creek as well (I was chained to the desk at work). Pretty snazzy, eh? Here are some pics from the various adventures. Unfortunately, no rafting pictures since cameras and white water don't mix, but it was incredible. People falling out all over the place, cliffs being jumped off of (it was COLD), waves being 'surfed'...all while decked out in very revealing neoprene wetsuits (a feature more advantageous for certain people than others, me being one of the others).

Thank you Brian and Gill for your company and generosity. It was a pleasure.

Also, we've moved from our old place. Our landlord sold it, and so we're squatting at one of her other houses for August. But squatting isn't the right term when you have three (yup, 3) bathrooms, one with a jacuzzi, a living room the size of China, brand new appliances, a patio, and a balcony. We've struck gold, I tells ya! Whoever's coming to visit (YOU know who you are), you'll have some cushy digs to set up camp at. Our new home is at #3, 805 4th Street....but don't send mail there! We can still pick up our mail at our old place for the month which remains. Anyway, I think it's going to be ok...I guess...

Alrighty, well keep safe everybody. Love from the west coast, or nearly. JR and Jesse T.

July 21, 2004

If Wishes Were Fishes, We'd All Cast Nets 

Greetings Earthlings,

It's been a little while since the last update from the frontier, but this is a big one to make up for it. We've been busy.

First off, how is everybody? Summer is slowly starting to wind down (can you believe it?), and fall concerns are starting to take shape. It's truly incredible how the pace of life can slow down nicely, only to slip by while you're daydreaming. But that's just the way, I suppose! All of you who have called/emailed/snail-mailed...thanks so much. It means a lot, and we're trying to get back to you. I hope that summer at home and abroad is going well for all.

Last week we went out for Japanese food to this GREAT restaurant for our friend Melissa's birthday. It was really cool because everyone came out and the food was sensational. We ate for about two hours! Yum...here's the crew, and Kieran with his seafood platter (I think some of it was still moving).

Also, we took a two-day vacation from the More of Can to visit some of our friends in Lake Louise and go to Yoho National Park in BC. Our adventure started out with some hitch-hikery on the Trans-Canada Highway:

Our pet moose wanted to come but he wouldn't fit in the cars. However, the two of us fresh-faced kids got snapped up in no time at all! A slightly hyper soccer-mom picked us up and drove us to Banff, swerving lanes and nervously checking we had our seatbelts on, then a very laid back French-Canadian dude took us from there to Lake Louise. That part of the trip we were serenaded by the Grease Lightning Medley, which Yano was quite fond of apparently (it was on repeat). Very nice guy, and he told us about a lot of the camping trips and stuff to do in the area. Them Canadians, eh? Nice lot. Finally, we got to LL, and thought that we were going to have to use our feet to get up the mountain, but out of the blue a pair of southern ladies drove up and offered us a ride to the Chateau. How cool is that? People aren't so bad after all.

So, upon arrival, we met up with our good friends Amy and Aisling, and toured about. Jess and I amused ourselves while they were at work, and then went for beers afterward. The night was cut a bit short by Amy coming down with Norwalk Virus (which is ALL over the hotels), so that was sad. Poor Amy. But we didn't get sick, so it's all good ;)

The next morning, bright and early, we got picked up by our friend Alec and drove to Yoho, in British Columbia. During an epic 8 1/2 hour hike, we saw a lot of waterfalls, got lots of sun, and saw a glacier. It was gorgeous.

Quite a trip. Back here things are going well. Both of us working away. It's been really hot, especially for Canmore. 32 or 34 everyday plus humidity...can't complain though. The quarry in town is up in the valley and it's really beautiful, swimming in glacier water surrounded by peaks, and lots of families enjoying the summer.

Finally, I got a town-bike, which in Canmore speak means a bike to ride in town (strangely enough). The deal is: everyone out here has gorgeous fully equipped mountain bikes worth thousands of dollars, and so in town, where stealing is rampant, they ride cheapy big-wheel style bikes with 24 inch tires and grocery baskets. My friend Anick recently got a new townbike and GAVE me her old one! So for the $5 it cost me to put a new tube in the front tire, I now have wheels! It's very exciting. I promise pictures of my ride next time. I think I'm going to outfit it with handlebar fringes and put baseball cards in the spokes so it roars. Sweet.

Well I think that's about it. In the great words of Bart Simpson, see ya. JR.

July 09, 2004

You don't win friends with salad. 

Hi! We just had a great 'weekend' (our weekend is Tuesday-Wednesday). On Tuesday we went mountain biking with our friend Katya for quite a while, and let me tell you, when there are actually mountains around, mountain biking is a very different sport. We pedalled up a 'small' mountain and then spent the rest of the ride imitating the kamikaze pilots as we got down. It was crazy - twisty, narrow, bumpy, steep trails along the side of a mountain and through forests and valleys and meadows. Pretty wicked. Entirely due to my shabby skills on the bike, Katya took a very rough tumble, and Jess showed us the site of her fall down a ravine from the last time she went mountain biking. I didn't fall down four times.

The Three Musketeers


Proud in Defeat

And then at night we played Ultimate (we're in the playoffs now), which was fun. Our athletic weekend was supposed to be finished out by a hike in Paradise Valley to Moraine Lake on Wednesday, but then it was rainy and cold so the trip was scrapped until next week. But turned into a nice rainy day in, so can't complain!

Here are a few pictures from the concert that I didn't post last time. That's our good friend Melissa on the right. And that's Canada Day!


Matt 'Sissy-Boy' Good



In the news today, I read about a case in Germany of a man putting out a personal ad for somebody to eat. Actually eat. Somebody actually answered the ad, and agreed to it, apparently. So this lucky volunteer was cannibalized (in portions, after being frozen). Much later, the man was discovered by police when he put out another ad for his next...course. He's now been charged with manslaughter (not murder, since his victim supposedly agreed to it) and is serving 8 and a 1/2 years. What a bizarre world (Katy and Peter that story is for you). Apologies to the faint of heart!

In an unrelated story, the new Beastie Boys record is great! Ch-ch-check it out.

Goodbye now, and thanks for your time and consideration. JR.

July 02, 2004

I don't care about Apathy. 


Just a few things while I think of them! Firstly, Matt Good, despite the name, not so....good. The night was not a complete balls-up, because the opening act was very talented, and the company excellent, but Matthew disappointed. About half way through the set, a crowdsurfer kicked the mic by accident and it hit him in the face. Not fun, but he decided it was enough to go off on a rant at the audience, swearing up and down for a couple minutes, calling people f*@#ing morons. What a wimp! He then left the stage after only 9 or 10 songs (about 40 minutes) without saying a word, and never came back. No second set, no encore, no chat with the audience, no good. For acting like a spoiled rockstar, he certainly doesn't understand a lot about rock and roll. Went down about 10 notches in my estimation with that performance. However, like I said, everything's not lost. Jess got to meet her first rockstar and got her CD of the opening act (Wil) signed, which was very cool. I wanted to get my boobs signed but she wouldn't let me.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is excellent, and should be seen by anybody who will vote in America, and by anybody in the 51st state who will be directly affected by the outcome of that election. Thought-provoking guy, that Mikey Moore.

Umm. We're going to BC next week, for the first time! Climbing another mountain. There are a few of them out here!

OK, that's all for tonight. Talk to you all soon! Ciao, JR.

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