
May 22, 2004

eye of newt 

hello again!

It's snowing like it means it outside, and I'm on my lunch break from work, so instead of enjoying the view I decided to send out some thoughts on this here deal-y.

First off, my job at Altitude has been going really well. I'm making sales, enjoying it, and making new friends. Pretty much everyone who works there is Australian for some inexplicable reason, and so I've been fraternizing with them. Fun people - and customers are the sporty types who are happy to give advice on which trails to hike and where to spend sunny days. Very cool.

Jess and I move into our place on Tuesday, and just in time: we're supposed to get 22cm of snow this weekend! But 19 and sunny on wednesday should take care of that. It's all good. With the cold all the prairie dogs have been hiding in their tunnels, so I haven't seen them frollicking the last couple days, which is sad. They're the best, but they rip the grass up everywhere so the locals sort of dislike them.

hmmm...what were the important things I was supposed to write about? The mountains look really amazing covered in snow again, and when the clouds surround them you can barely see the slopes. It looks really eerie and beautiful, like something from an epic movie like lord of the rings.

oh ya, we found out that TERRY (campsite guy) that I was writing about earlier actually ran for prime minister of Canada a while ago. Isn't that crazy? What a guy. The characters you meet in this world!

k well take care everybody - keep safe! JR

ps. more photos soon! pps. has anybody seen THE LAST SAMURAI with Tom Cruise? It's SO good. I wasn't sure about it but we saw it the other day and it's really a stellar movie. check it..adios.

May 19, 2004

The Contrabulous Fabtraption of Dr. Horatio Huffnagle 


Well the Flames look set to win tonight (fingers crossed), and everyone out here is pretty durned excited for it. Add to that that I got a better job today, and I'm pretty excited too!

After getting the job at IGA, I was offerred another job from Altitude Sports here in Canmore. For one, I've worked in a grocery store a long time already (as most of you know...vmart), and I felt like something different. Add to this that the wage is comparable, with the opportunity to earn commission on top of wages at Altitude, AS WELL as a 50% discount on all gear (shoes, jackets, hats, sunglasses, sweaters, etc. for climbing, hiking, skiing) and I was pretty convinced. Anyway, I had a phone interview last night, got the job this morning, and worked my first shift this afternoon! I'm filling in where they need me this weekend, then starting full time (40+ hours/week) on Tuesday. I think it will be a more enjoyable work atmosphere: we get to wear what we want and listen to our own music...yeehaw.

We've been here a week now and we're pretty settled...camping rocks and is such a chill lifestyle. Been cooking soup and pasta in tin cans, and spending a LOT of time by the campfire. Sort of can't be bothered to move into a real place, but at the same time it's supposed to be freezing cold and snowing this weekend, so might change our minds...

The other thing about camping is the noise: this morning an estimated 20 trains went by RIGHT behind our campsite, and these are the 100 car freight trains too. Along with this the ravens were serenading us with croaks from 6am onward, and a psychotic chipmunk and/or squirrel was making this high-pitched squeak sound every 2.6 seconds for a good 15 minutes before Jesse started throwing rocks at it (I'm serious). I'm glad I have Zena to protect me...I am no longer worried about bears. ha...but it all adds to the mystique of this place. It's like the town Canada used to be, with hockey and the outdoors much more important than traffic and international politics. I love it.

well I can't take the Britney they're pumping in here any more (CANMORE'S MOST REQUESTED SONG OF THE NIGHT...that's right, it's your girl, the pop princess, BRITNEY SPEARS on MOUNTAIN FM 106.5...and so on), so I'm signing off.

shabaaaaaazzz. JR

May 15, 2004

A bit of this.. 

I got a job! Everything is very big out here: distances are a lot farther than they look, ravens are the size of small ostriches, pickup trucks are measured in yards, and the mountains...the mountains. The sun is bright, the people are energetic but easy-going, and prairie dogs are everywhere. Hiking tomorrow, campfire and beers tonight. Summer. xo, JR.

May 14, 2004

First Impressions! 

HELLO to all and the rest

We made it...in two pieces (as it were), and things are going great! We flew into Calgary around noon and were met by the incredible and generous Laurie Maslak who took us to Canmore in a flash, after supplying us with lots of nourishment. Great welcome. Then we met up with our friends Lindsay and Ryan who took us in for the night so we could get organized. Good thing too, because that night it snowed a couple inches, which might have made for some chilly camping.

Anyway, since then we HAVE been camping and it's been stellar - warm, fun, and exciting. The whole thing made a little more exciting by our current 'landlord', the man himself, TERRY. This guy has had us giggling quite a bit. On entering the campsite, he greeted us with a good sized bottle of 10% malt liquor and a grin. I think it was 11 in the morning...anyway, he amused us with Canmore anecdotes, telling us his was the best campsite (complete with a major railroad running right behind our campsite), and carrying on in a slur. The next day we found him sporting a purple seventies shirt with chesties poking out the top (CASH ONLY we were advised). Ha...anyway he's taking care of us and we're having a good time of it. We're eating cereal out of ziploc bags. mmmmmmm

The job hunt is going really well, and Jess starts her job tomorrow (!), so we're getting settled. Hiked around a bit today (as you'll see from the mountain views), and met up with a bunch of friends. So cannot complain one bit! It snows daily, but doesn't stay on the ground - it's been around 10C during the day and -3 at nights, so nothing too bad...although a shock after 30C Ontario weather. People here are really nice and welcoming, the pace of things is pretty chilled (cars stop to let you cross the road EVERYWHERE), and the Flames are doing well (fans are INSANE here - see the kids out on parade).

We send hellos to everyone, and hope all is going according to plan. Keep checking as internet access is pretty available, so we'll try to keep things up to date. We don't get our apartment until May 26th, so til then we have a cell phone where we can be reached at (705) 492 0637. We'll have more firm contact info after that.

Mom and Dad I hope England is great! I'll talk to you soon.

Mum and Dad hope all is well in India as we are quite envious of your weather there. We got here safely and we can't wait to see you in July.

Alright that's it for now...I hope you enjoy the pictures. We miss everyone but are having a great time.

Cheers, Johnny and Jesse.

May 09, 2004

Packing, organizing, waiting, saying goodbyes...we leave in three days!

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